Before you start with your first weightlifting program, it's important you learn a few basic things first. Start with the following:
>Strength and size are correlated and can't be seperated.Progressive overload (progression) on chosen exercises is the key to achieving both size and strength.
>Pick the most difficult compound exercises, because those are the ones that will build the most muscle. (bench press, overhead press, dips, back squat, front squat, conventional deadlift, sumo deadlift, pullups...)Try to perfect the form on these exercises, since you want to be doing this for a while and not get injured. (hire a coach or look up the form of the exercise on the internet)
>Building respectable amounts of size and strength will take some time if you are doing it naturally. For most it will take atleast a couple of years.Don't overreach (overtrain) during your workouts. This will have a negative impact on your health and progress in the gym.
>Don't go beyond failure. This is where most injuries happen and where you get muscle imbalances. (a lifting buddy is optimal for preventing this)Always keep your recovery in mind. Sleep is the most important factor, and after that food. Recovery will be one of the most important factors for getting the most from your workouts.
>If you want to gain muscle you will have to be within a caloric surplus, with a minimum of 10% more calories than your bodies' recommended daily amount.