Quoted By:
>wind up driving an Ford Explorer for work yesterday
>Stop for gas
>can't find the fuel door release
>have do a search
>find out you just push it and it pops open
>see "easy fuel" capless thing
>no experience with these but okay shove in nozzle and fuel
>fueling complete, try to pull out nozzle
>it's stuck
>try a push/pull motion at more of a direct angle
Come home search what the fuck it with this easy fuel system and why ferd uses it. It comes with several problems; the stuck nozzle easy is common and has been the case for several years, the thing can foul up and fail to seal which triggers the evap sensor and check engine light as well. It can play havoc with commercial pumps causing them to stop fueling prematurely, repeatedly. The benefits? Lack of a cap is kind of more convenient? Less chance of detritus getting in, Ford claims less evaporation during fueling which is lmao goid for the environment.
This is why ferd sucks. This kind of design is littered through their vehicles.