These faggots are always hilarious because they try gaslighting men that yes, s()yciety is worth engaging with and our enemies will insult us if we disagree.
Meanwhile, they're the ones spending every day arguing with us and getting exposed and BTFO instantly and repeatedly.
Who is the real pathetic one?
It's jewish mirror language from the start!
>>21570538Not really. Regular gibs might be reviewed every seven years, but probably won't because they're lazy niggers who are pretending they aren't NEETs themselves.
EBT is reviewed every year, but see above and unless something changed, you'll remain on it
They get kickbacks in both cases so they will specifically tell you the right words so you get approved and they both get paid.
The legitimate problem with gibs is not security - you're far more secure than the wagecucks even before entire employment sectors started being turned off like light switches.
The problem with gibs is that it's a low amount unless your parents wagecucked well and then retired or died.
But what they don't want you knowing is that grifters are NEETs, crypto Chads are NEETs, the other member of the Based Department running AI waifus and fake OnlyHoles AI accounts is a NEET, and the boomer retirees seething about all of the above are NEETs.
Naturally, all of those pay more.
The narrative that all NEETs are living in their mother's basement is an outdated shame tactic - even if that is your only option, serving your enemies at the expense of yourself aka cuckoldry is far more shameful.