>>16035200first grabbed the pizza on the back of it with both of her hands, then bent her head backwards, like you would when gargling, and then raised her arms up all the way above her head and put the pizza down into her mouth, and then finally brought her head down to that level and took a bite. Which is just, why? She's doing this while standing up, so that's what makes it so stupid, just imagine the motions you go through if you wanna eat a pizza that way while standing up, it's such a bother and a waste of energy, why would you ever tire your arms out like that instead of enjoying pizza? And, well, why are you eating pizza while standing up? Why would you ever waste a slice of pizza by not sitting down and getting as comfortable as possible before eating it? What is wrong with this person?
I suppose another way you could bite it like that is, if she first held up the pizza with one hand on the torso, all the way up to her mouth until taking a bite, and then after it's in her mouth, put her free hand towards the back of the pizza. For some reason. It still makes zero sense/
Let's say that's how she did it, because it's the least deranged possibility out of the 3.
But even then, that implies a lot of weird things. Like, why would you ever move your hand to the back of the pizza after taking a bit? She would've had to move her hand that was already on the back of the pizza to the other side, making way for her remaining hand to get in. Therefore, she just really, really wants to eat the pizza this way. Why? Why would you ever have a preference to eat the pizza with both of your hands holding it in the back? Alongside it being such a little thing and impossible to make a habit of, there's also that it's an objectively worse way to hold pizza than just having one hand supporting it on the torso. If you've ever ate a pizza, you would know, character limit.