>>22063784>>22063789>>22063815>>22063841>>22063845>>22063868>>22063873Imagine being worth obscene sums of money and being a part of the cultural and political elite of an unfathomably rich empire, but the only hookers willing to fuck you are all underage, coerced into it against their will, and objectively ugly.
The endless rage against white women comes from kikes, and maybe now some of you newfag tourist niggers will start to understand why. Shitty little yid manlets with degenerate pornhub fetishes can't stand the fact that white women don't want them, and have indeed NEVER wanted them historically.
If white women wanted to fuck jews and niggers, then kidnapping millions of white women and children for the slave trade would have never been a business. You don't kidnap anybody who would come willingly.
Jews are pedophiles. Jews are rapists. Jews rape kids. The postmodern age is defined by seething jewish rage against everything they do not have and can never be.