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>>152811059Summary: KEK is a Japanese Physics Particle, which launched an experiment called BEAST during 2016, the US election. KEK is also involved in new discovery in Egyptian Pyramid, and said that it is about to discover "Mysteries of the Universe." The name of the project is SuperKEKB, and named with characters in "Beauty and the Beast."
Relevant question: Why are the elites so afraid of Pepe the Frog and KEK? Is it because we accidentally INVOKED the Ancient Egyptian God that Rivaled with their Eye of Horus equivalent?>What is KEK? - Our Mission>Scientists at KEK use accelerators and perform research in high-energy physics to answer the most basic questions about the universe as a whole, and the matter and the life it contains.>>152826203>November 2015: Japan's KEK found out that there is a huge void in the Egyptian Pyramid which has never been found before, and could not be "an accident".>2016: Phase 1 operation of the SuperKEKB started. First experiment. Final Stage of US election.> 20 January 2017: Donald Trump has promised to "unlock the mysteries of space" in his time as President.>May 2017: "Mysteries of the Universe to be answered" by KEK>>152817663>Frog energy is also considered to be a link between the living and the dead>In Japanese, the word frog is “kaeru” and its homonym means “to return”.>>152828514>>152828806>>152831781>>152832838