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Let's go further. About the variety and stuff. How infuriates me when African Americans say at every opportunity: We are not like that, we are not like these whites, we are different. Are you guys serious? You see, in my country, Caucasians do not say: we are not like that, we are not Russian. Nobody says that anywhere, okay? Why are you trying to emphasize this moment that you are different? Yes, you are different, we know, then what? I don't give a fuck about what you are not white. Just do not emphasize this. Or here's another story. like on the way to the store, I saw a some kind of protest where there was an African American who yelled: "Every white man must apologize for keeping Black in slavery!" Apologize for what, blyat’? Americans, you know that those who kept the black slaves died already 2 centuries ago? In general, this is your main problem, that you "should apologize for something."
A simple example: a monument to Christopher Columbus was recently demolished in California for charges of genocide, and so on. With that, I am sure that this decision was hardly made by the Americans. How can you even let someone demolish the monuments of your historical heroes? This is YOUR pride, this is YOUR history, why you are not protecting it. We just had similar case when in one unstable region of Russia they began to demolish monuments to Lenin, Pushkin, Peter the Great and the rest of OUR heroes. And then they began to simply kill ethnic Slavs. So do you know what we did? We have wiped out this city from the face of earth. We bombed it for weeks. Yes, we lost a lot and killed a lot of people. But we did not allow someone to demolish our heroes, our history and our pride. I do not urge you to do the same. But guys, do not forget about your honor and do not allow others to steer your country.