>2.6. Deforestation Going vegan won't do shit for the Amazon rainforest because the majority of Brazil's beef exports go to China and Hong Kong[1]. The US or European countries each account for 2% or less. Basedbean demand is driven by oil[2]; the rest of the plant (80%) is a by-product that is exported as Chinese pig feed. Brazil is also a misrepresentative and atypical industry. Globally[3], cattle ranching accounts for 12%, commercial crops for 20% and subsistence farming for 48% of deforestation. The US use about half as much[4] forest land for grazing than 70 years ago.
http://abiec .siteoficial .ws/download/estatisticas-mar18.pdf
https://sustainable foodtrust .org/articles/dairy-cows-livestock-behind-growth-soya-south-america/
https://unf ccc.int/files/essential_background/background_publications_htmlpdf/application/pdf/pub_07_financial_flows.pdf#page=81[4]
ers.us da.gov/amber-waves/2012/march/data-feature-how-is-land-used/>(Delete the spaces!!! :D)