>>19319737>>19319761>Oh believe me Sola, I understand how you feel entirely. Sapphire attacked me after you two left. We were both upset and we both said... a lot. But when she crossed that line, I think she realised we needed to come to some sort of understanding>So we did, and she won't bother you anymorePriscilla grins at Carmody
>Just ask Carm, she'll tell you that Jen was in the limo with us, driving no less - she possessed the driver. She was in the skybox too, no trouble at all>I know it's hard to believe right now, but she's a very good friend. She just believes I'm making a mistake offering you two the Divine Touch opportunity, and didn't want me to do it. >In her own way, she was just trying to watch my back.Priscilla turns her attention back to Sola, noticing the change in her body language since their last meeting. At the mansion she seemed more relaxed. Now, a little tense perhaps. She takes a sip of her wine and smiles
>I'm glad you had fun at the shoot, though I must admit to a little curiosity as to what you thought it was going to bePriscilla becomes thoughtful as Sola asks more about her early life. And maybe it's due to the alcohol in her system, maybe it's part of a cynical effort to humanise herself, or maybe Priscilla simply decided to open up. Whatever the reason, she answers honestly
>I certainly was a very lonely child. My biological family have allowed me a very privileged life. But they were like strangers. Being alone with the servants all the time, it felt like being a bird in a cage. A very big, very pretty cage, but a cage nonetheless. I hated it.>I imagine that feeling is what drove me to build a new family of my own here with The Divine Angels. Sharing a mansion with girls my own age the way I do now would have been a dream to my younger self>Still, just once, I do wonder what it would be like to talk to my father about our days the way you did yours, Sola, or to be shadowed by a sibling like you, Carmody