>"What a match we just saw between two stellar performers! They left us all seeing stars after that perfo-"*the feeds gets staticky as another voice, the voice belonging to Spirit, overtakes the broadcast*
>"Yeah yeah yeah, we get it Anita, Oni and La Hija de Milf number two were part of the Stellar Stars, but that group didn't have the staying power of the Divine Angels! And you're about to see one perform right now as my BFF, a former Intercontinental champion, Nikki Kade goes one on one with the Queen, with... checks notes Valerie? Valaraia? Valvenis? IT DOESN'T MATTER WHAT HER NAME IS! In her corner next. You know it's awfully bold of the Queen to have accepted this match on night one when I take her on come night two, and get to unmask her for not only her royal subjects but the whole world to see! So not only is she going to have to give my bestie complete access to the library in the castle, but she's going to have to deal with a peasant uprising when they find out she's been taxing them and stealing what didn't get taxed at night as a cat burglar! I can't wait to see it, and I know the thousands in attendance can't eith-"*Nikki Kade's music begins to play*
>"HEY! Don't cut me off Bucky! As I was saying - and the Millions watching around the world are waiting to see THE QUEEN OF SIMPS - Nikki KAAAADEE vs THE QUEEN, VICTORIA RRRROOOOYALE! Right. NOW!"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NZMmBm-YK94