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[Backstage, post the Cassie Maverick V La Hija match]
Tired, but victorious, La Hija took a seat in the press room, taking a sip from her water before taking her half mask off, revealing a tired but content sister, even if it wasn't quite sure who of the sisters it was.
There was a moment of calm as the young woman seemed to gather her words, looking down below the desk before raising her head.
>"A...couple things first, if I may. I am indeed Samantha McTavish, oldest of La Hijas...And this was my first match in the WWA. My family has always called me the more cautious of the two, compared to my sister."
>"I want to apologize to Miss Maverick for the deception, but if it's any consolation, my sister and I have been training at the same schools across North and South America together, so our styles are almost identical."
>"I also want to apologize to my sister for stealing her gear. But I had to wrestle tonight. I wanted to see where my limits are."