>>20773410After aimlessly wondering the streets of Spaghetti Town for several hours Noire find's herself in front of the city's second most notorious watering hole, Adolf's.
>Pretty sure this was one a' ma's ol' haunts. Might as well pay my respectsNoire saunters up to the bar.
>Three fingers a' yer sourest OJ. And don't skimp on the pulp!"Sure thing, Noire" replies the barman. Noire is taken aback until she realizes she's been mistaken for her mother. "The Girl's ain't with ya tonight?"
>The girls? Oh, uh.. yeah, they got other obligations. Just me tonight. And tomorrow night. *mumble* And every other night apparently... "Heard Zunigoth won the IC title recently. Tell her the next time she comes in champagne's on the house"
>I'll let aunt.. I'll let her knowNoire downs her OJ in one gulp and scans the room. She nearly falls off her stool when she catches sight of Scarlet and Kaori. The two seem to be talking amiably. Then laughing together about something. Then..
Should she make her presence known? No. Best not to interrupt someone else's good time. Who knows how they'd react to a sudden intrusion. And besides, it's a lot easier to nurse a drink than a broken heart.
>Keep the OJ comin'