>>19951130>no, a nation's treasury issues currency >banks store it and act as money transmitters for the public useOooof. He actually thinks the same money can be spent twice, at the same time, by different people without it necessarily being not the same money.
He thinks two or more people can have the same money and at the same time both know they can spend it at the same time and both being able to spend it at the same time but that somehow isn't, functionality, not the same money.
Damn, having a 140 spatial IQ and talking to midwits who can't manipulate complex 3D shapes and diagrams in their head is so tiring.
>your arguments rely on both incorrect and glib definitionsPlease point to specific points I made.
>not to mention your racist arguments,What's the problem with them?
>which just invalidate and detract from any thing intelligent you may have to add Ooooooof. He doesn't know that the jews are waging a stealth and undeclared war of extermination against Whites/Europeans.
Do you also believe jews are God's chosen people and the Elohim of the Old Testament are God?
>but i understand even greedy, shills and intelligence agents also get a say on 4chanWhat am I shilling for or against?
>b/c 4chan is the LAST BASTION OF FREE SPEECH>so, one must put up with your (likely drunken) rantingI'm not drunk.