TL:DR Anon lives in Houston near niggers crack alley, cops won't do shit so he set up Livestream, with tts and videos to annoy not only then niggers but cops until they do something about it. (link at the bottom to stream)
Note this stream is political because it researches the disparity caused by left-wing cities who care more about words, than actual crimes. Also researching how niggs act in the wild.
first night: crack head niggs got triggered at the tts and donations so they steal the speakers.
Second night: first anon shows up on stream, and owner replaces speakers puts mouse traps to prevent them from stealing. The nigs instead throw shoes until speakers are destroyed. Landlord gets triggered about noise and "does not want cops to investigate" tires shutting down the stream from inside the owner's house and fails. The owner gets two noise tickets from cops.
Third night Owner replaces speakers and mouse traps, and crack heads ignore and continue to go about drug dealing and publicly defecating. Two anons show up during the stream. Leftists who walk by are triggered and some niggs finally start shouting at the stream. Cops show up apparently they have a camera and watch this shit happening and do nothing, ask the owner to turn down the speakers he refuses. The landlord might evict the owner of the stream, says ," he will decide tomorrow"
Today: s o y bo y gets triggred in the morning and reports to cops.