>>14486703>no.here he's saying there is a dialectic to it though.
>it counts on the stupidity of their adversaryi often use technical philosophical jargon, not to be erudite or intentionally confuse people but it's just the terms i'm familiar with and they come naturally.
>if that doesn't work, they play stupid and pretend not to understandi don't do this
>if challenged they change the subject in a hurry, quote platitudes which if you accept they relay to entirely different subjectsi do this when it's applicable, consistency and pointing out special pleading is important.
>the jew had not the slightest recollection of the day before, he rattled off his same old nonsense as though nothing at all had happenedi observe atheists on /pol/ doing this all the time, like you see the same familiar posters posting the same garbage that was dismantled in a previous thread.
like the ones that post that fake aurelius quote where he's saying "just live a good life bro, it doesn't matter if god exists, if he does it's ok he'll be happy if you're happy" instead of the actual quote where it's like "why even live in a world devoid of gods and divine providence?"