In the midst of a spirited dance outing at Club Cyberia, the newly-crowned WWA World Tag Team Champions, the Birds of Prey, Andi Kestrel and Robyn McDaid, put out a call for challengers for their titles, which was answered only by the Bubblegum Crisis, Candy and Lollypop. Arguably Long-overlooked for a simple two-on-two tag team title shot, Bubblegum Crisis will finally get their opportunity at an upcoming WWA event.
But to add a layer of intrigue, the teams will meet once before this championship match. This first contest will be a non-title match to determine which of the two teams gets to pick the stipulation for the upcoming championship defence. While the titles are not on the line yet, so much else is: not only the all-important choice of stipulation, but the chance for each team to size up and assess their opponents, and go into the WWA World Tag Team Title match with control and momentum.
Will the Birds of Prey continue to fly high over the division in their first tag team match since winning the titles? Or will the Bubblegum Crisis put them in a sticky situation with a non-title loss? Which of these teams will earn the right to choose the stipulation for the upcoming title match, and what will the implications for that encounter be coming out of this one?