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The nauseating stench of burnt cheese-food-product and the piercing screeches of unattended children fill the air.
An obnoxious and oddly terrifying animatronic band plays headache inducing covers of public domain songs.
The atmosphere is… festive.
But one girl doesn’t seem to be having a good time.
It’s Masala’s XX birthday, and perhaps not surprisingly to those who know her, she’s throwing a temper tantrum.
>Curry Girl: Dear, for the love of Vishnu would you PLEASE put on some pants?!
>Masala:NO! Pants are for classy establishments like Pizza Princess. You’re lucky I don’t walk around this dump in my bare feet. In fact, I think I will
Masala sends her shoes sailing across the restaurant; one lands in the cake of another child celebrating a birthday while the other becomes lodged in the mouth of an animatronic wombat playing bass guitar.
>CG: You’re making a scene! Keep up this behaivour and I won’t let you keep any of your presents
>M: Oh no, I’ll have to give back all the crappy merchandise you brought home because you were too cheap to buy me anything I ACTUALLY wanted? Say it isn’t so!
>SG: Proper young ladies don’t sass their mothers, and they wear ALL their clothes in public!
>M: And I’ll bet proper young ladies don’t put their tits on parade like a prize winning heifer at an agricultural show, so I guess neither one of us could pass for proper
>CG: I really wish you wouldn’t disparage cows like that
>M: And I wish someone would’ve actually shown up for this stupid party
>CG: Your sisters are here