>>19311288>>19311782As the speaker crackles back to life, a response would come to Priscilla after Carmody and Sola had left, practically stealing the thoughts from Amy's head.
>Are you seriously asking me why I antagonize the poor? The homeless? The lowlife wretches that we use as batting practice in the basement? >Ask yourself why you've got such compassion for those that are inferior to us!>THEY HAVE NO POTENTIAL! THEY DON'T DESERVE TO LOOK AT OUR BOOTS, MUCH LESS WEAR THE DIVINE ANGELS COLORS!>Carmody has done nothing in the WWA except lose, and you fawn over her like she's got the key to your chastity belt!>You kidnapped my dad to get at my mom before your title match with her, what did you do to Carmody before your title match with her? Offer her a contract that you never even extended to your own team!>And Sola? Even Lightning Nika, for all the shit you & Nikki give her, managed to put her in the hospital! >And trying to lie about what she tried to do with Nikki, while Nikki might have been going along with it to get on Nika's nerves, Sola still feels no remorse about it!>I remember a time when it was Miss USA that waltzed in here, and she was sent away in a coffin! Now, you'd offer her a modeling gig and let her sleep in your bed!>And you wonder how the manager who saw the value in YOU, and Nikki, and Lucy, and Nika, and Amy, and in Colby, and in Corn Girl, can't see the value in those dimeless nerds that you're treating with kid gloves. >Even when that purple haired chick came to collect the bounty on Kelly, you'd have left her drown because she was contaminating our pool.>If Amy had won her match with Holly, I'd have done worse to her after what she did to my Lucy! Something that at one time I'd have expected you to beat me to the punch in doing!>You've softened, Priscilla. You're not the Madame Divine I came to love and respect at all anymore.>You want answers? There's your damn answers!