>>3324741Not exactly true. /pol/'s always had a nazi aesthetic and imagery even when /pol/ used to be /new/ and /n/. The difference was, /pol/ was mostly a board of right-wing liberals and right-wing libertarians who posted nazi imagery and pretended to be nazis as a filter to scare off normalfags and people who hate free speech, since /pol/ in the past mostly revolved around freedom of expression regardless of how offensive it was, so the ultimate "fuck you" to censorship was pretending to be Nazis, which in turn scared off leftists.
2016 began the downfall and now /pol/'s an amalgamation of 15 year old redditors pretending to be aryan nazi chads, 50 year old neocon boomers, retarded ancaps, normalfag blogposters who ask for garbage like redpilled videogames/haircuts, and dumb commies and SJWs who piss into an ocean of piss.
The meme "/pol/'s always right about everything" used to actually be true before they opened the floodgates.