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This is James Cole from the year 2043.A mutated and far deadlier strain of the Marburg virus, will be released on September 7,2023 by the Elites. It is called Marburg-X. By 2043, it has killed around 5 billion people. Marburg-X is unlike anything we've ever encountered before. It spreads with terrifying speed, infecting millions within days. The symptoms are agonizing, leading to rapid organ failure and a painful demise. There is no cure, and all medical facilities have long since fallen to the relentless onslaught of the virus. I was part of a last-ditch effort to find a way to travel back in time. We believed that the key to our survival lay in the past. Now, in your present, I beg you to take this warning seriously. Marburg-X is coming, and it will devastate your world if left unchecked. I can't stress enough how crucial it is to prevent the release of this virus. The origins of Marburg-X can be traced back to Ukraine bio-labs. They thought they could create a bioweapon to rule the world or some sick crap like that. But it backfired, big time. The virus went rogue, spreading like a wildfire they couldn't control.
The spread of the virus will be known immediately. This is nothing like Covid-19. I was sent back to gather some information regarding like this but I am unable to do so because I was injured due to the time travel tech which is still primitive. I am putting this out there if anyone is willing to go save the world. September 7, 2023 is the date.