>>13319633>le fallacyIt's not an argument. More proof you're a /pol/dditor magapede retard - you incorrectly label "fallacies" because you never actually did any study in logic or philosophy. You read the stickied infograph on /pol/ddit and now think you're "da argument mastur". No, you don't need to be a /pol/dditor to hate jew and trannies. I don't trust jews and I'm not fond of trannies and I'm not an /pol/dditor. However, feeling the need to constantly whine about them on 4chan is an overwhelmingly /pol/ddit behavior. Non-/pol/dditors don't feel the need to constantly signal to everybody that they hate kikes, niggers and trannies. This characteristic makes the /pol/dditors the 4chan equivalent of a pride parade.