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We the people, in order to form a more perfect union, do attest to the following truths:
1. Insurrection and the overthrow of the United States government and replacement of it with a new government, by the citizens, is the only effectual solution that is possible to remedy a dilemma of the government having become a wholly corrupted pit of vipers and fools who enforce the laws with partiality, disregard the needs of the people, and are owned by private interests.
2. Insurrection for any reason by any number of people less than an absolute majority constitutes treason and partiality; with this in consideration, a communion of the people is required and must result in agreement in order for anyone who is reasonable to consider acting.
3. Despite personal misgivings about the nuances in the legal system as established by the founders and the prior administrations over the centuries, on the whole, we agree that they are mostly fair and good, when enforced impartially, without false speech, by dedicated individuals of good ability; as such the laws we have might remain, even if the government does not.
4. Any civilization is essentially a game with rules, where truth, power, success, wealth, and fame are the driving resources the players seek to maximize possession of, and for which those players who possess great measure of said resources act to minimize the availability of said resources to other players with which they are in competition whenever the resource appears to have finite availability.
5. Any strategy which proves successful eventually changes the rules of a game.