A word about the Bible as The Wise Lord relates to Christianity and the Old Testament.
Our original Aryan Monotheism was nonsemetic: The Wise Lord is ALL Goodness, Truth & NO evil comes from Him. If God is Goodness and TRUTH, then evil must be unTruth - the Lie (druj).
This is Zoroastrianism.
http://zoroastrian.org.uk/lib/cca/1700-mazdanreligion.htmlYes, Zoroastrians are from Iran, and Iran Literally means Land of Aryans. The early Germanic Europeans travelled up from Iran and the Caucasus Mountains (Caucasians).
Christ was prophecised by the Zoroastrian Magi to lead the Jews to the Truth about God, for their understanding of God was neurotic and superstitious- God DOES NOT require animal or human sacrifice as penance for Sin. This is a Semetic feverish superstition, and the Jews had long and drastically upping the volume of sacrificing animal (and human) life.
Jesus was a Zoroastrian. The 3 Magi who did more than drop off fancy gifts and leave. He was tutored by them, as Jesus was an Essene, a tribe known for many redheads (Aryan) who were well versed in the Avestan secrets for healing and mysticism. This is why Jesus impressed the Rabbis at the presentation in the Temple - because the jews had heavily lifted their religion from Zoroastrianism and perverted much of it.