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I've been in the ICU several times due to withdrawals and have also been to a detox facility that was basically jail. Seizures, hallucinations, all that fun stuff. I keep relapsing. I currently have a big bottle of librium in the cabinet that I take whenever I start feeling funky. I know that I shouldn't drink, but its fun.
Thankfully my blood tests come back sort of normal other than obvious liver enzymes, but I don't have anything that's gonna kill me. I blew a .38 when I tried to go into the detox place and they didn't believe it since I seemed totally fine and they tried three different breathalyzers. They wouldn't admit me, and told me to go home and sober up and come back tomorrow. I still blew a .14 when I went back the next day, shaking like mad and feeling like I was going to die. That first dose of drugs was a lifesaver, but nothing compared to the instant relief of IV drugs they give you in the ER. At least in the detox jail I wasn't hooked up to an IV and shit that constantly beeps and stuck in a bed the whole time bored off my ass being lectured by doctors. AA is gay jesus shit, doesn't help. I went to a meeting and all it did was make me want to drink to forget all the stupid shit I just heard. La croix is an awesome replacement if you sober up. I like waking up not shaky and sweaty, and I like not needing to wake up at 3-4am to take shots just to be able to actually sleep and not spasm in bed. I have quite a bit of librium in my system right now. I know you're not supposed to drink on it but I've had shots here and there and it doesn't seem too bad
One time I was going to a baseball game with my girlfriends jehovahs witness aunt and uncle and took some before we left so I wasn't shaky, but then I had a couple strong beers at the restaurant beforehand and the combination made me unable to walk and I had to be held up/carried by her uncle back to the car, in which I slept in while they went to the game. He had to help me into my house and to the bed