Quoted By:
>TonkaSaw- Redskin, Whiskeynigger, Indian, Injun, Failed Sports Entertainment rassler. Tries to act too cool for school daddio, but plays vidya and hosts an internet livestream on youtube filled with wannabe Ecelebs and failed internet skeptics. Really want's to be considered the same as Howard Stern or Opie and Anthony, but in reality, is Kotakuinaction 4 hour livestreams where they talk about nothing. Lives with grandma. Does internet for a job.
>Failure- Garbage pirate, Cuban nigger, Cuban, shitskin. The voice of retardutainment. Obviously does internet for a job.
>Andy Warski- Jewish controlled opposition.Failed comedian, Compulsive mastubator. (all this motherfucker talks about) Has a bad stutter (probably from jerkin it so much). Genuinely cares about his "internet friends". The definition of a doormat, because he allows others to use him. Is bluepilled, and a dopehead (addictive personality). Does internet for a job.
>AP-based reddit frogposter. Failed comedian. Comedy is cringe. Does a shit tier cartoon, that copies the style of Southpark with no animation other than mouth movement. Like Warski, not funny. (obviously works at convenience store)
>Ghostly- Some anonymous mixed race reddit tier faggot, admitted during live stream that he "Hopes motherfuckers race mix to end this shit" talking about racism. Cringe humor. (Both AP and Ghastly work on the same cartoon, and both have the same cringe sense of humor. Neither are funny).