>>3829218(start of part 4) (start of part 2) This page contains what appears to be a photo of a so-called 'Inca city' on Mars:
http://www.thelivingmoon.com/43ancients/02files/Mars_Images_24.htmlThis page contains what appears to be a photo of a 'Sphinx' or a Sphinx-like structure on Mars:
http://www.enterprisemission.com/Path-sphinx.htmlI am NOT saying that the Incans and the Ancient Egyptians colonised Mars. Even so, consider these similarities between Egypt and the Americas:
* Both had huge pyramids precisely aligned to the cardinal points.
* Both had temples with megalithic stones with extremely fine joints of less than a fiftieth of an inch.
* Both had head-dresses of similar style.
* Both employed a unique style of construction using L-shaped corners.
* Both used the same style of metal clamps to hold huge stones in place.
* Both cultures used the process of mummification to preserve and honour their dead.
Is it not reasonable to suggest that the civilisations present in Egypt and the Americas in antiquity are both the legacy of an even earlier civilisation that existed before recorded history as we know it began? (end)