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You were talking about psycology here before, thinking about that I read once that there are three types of societies
>Shame based societies
>Moral based societies
>Puniction based societies
The shame based societies are like Japan and Korea were people won't do bad things against the society's welfare because they are afraid of being ashamed by their wrong actions, actually I think Kore is a hybrid society between puniction and shame based societies, were people are afraid of both, being ashamed and punished by wrong behavior
Moral based societies are the ones like United Kingdom and Canada, were people won't do bad things against the society's welfare because of their moral compass, It's the ideal type of society were people can live with dignity and their heads high
Puniction based are like China, USA and North Korea, It's explains itself, People are afraid of being punished by their wrong actions, So they don't do that and society works very well, but people have no dignity
What do you think about that?