>>14766553I met a coworker of mine, dangerously based when it came to women. He was from Georgia(the country) but initially told me he was from Russia. He was legitimately surprised when I knew where it was, when asked what made me different from the average stupid American I told him I played a lot of HOI4. Well one day I was sitting at lunch with him and he was telling me about his native food and I was having trouble spelling some things so I gave him my phone for him to look it up and
4chan.org was on my recent sites I’ve visited on google and he legit says “oh you visit 4chan too? That’s pretty cool bro.” In the only way a fellow anon could say. He left to get his CDL license not long after, shame too, I loved talking to him. I could’ve revealed my true power level to him and I think we probably would’ve been good friends. I still got him on discord tho.
If you’re visiting this site Tango keep fighting the good fight