>>1765361613.Makes low effort chink bait threads as retaliation for a chink truth thread
14.Complains you aren’t making a jew thread even though there’s always several up on /pol/
15.. Cognitive dissonance keeps the chink up for days on end constantly refreshing the catalogue for anti-chink truth threads to seethe about
16.Posts picture of a guy with two different last names in a pic and different ID’s and an email address thinking his hours detective work sifting through 4plebs amounted to any semblance of a dox
17.Anyone that’s not a chink laughs and posts more anti-chink shit because it’s HE-HA-larious to watch the chinks implode
18.Whataboutism America edition because America makes them seethe
19.Pasting this for the 100000x like anyone but a chink cares “I used to be pretty neutral on China, but you CIA-funded webm spammers made me pro-China. I'm sure it's having the same effect on others too so by all means keep it up lol”
20.Repeat 1-19 with increasing anxiety for every loop
21.Chink cries itself to sleep after receiving 7 yuan (US 1 dollar) for all its countless hours of work and nothing new was added from the chink.