soulless graphic designer here that works with this kinda shit
here's a few tips for anons trying to get in this
>avoid black contours and contours of any kind>prioritize a pastel color scheme. images should have low saturation, low contrast and have smooth integration with the backgrounds>avoid as much uneccesary detail as possible. this includes facial details. the image needs to convey more with less. as a tip, try counting the differently-shaded polygons. if you have more than half a dozen for a single layer of the image, odds are you're doing it wrong.>no writing, at all. if your image can't communicate its meaning and message by itself, it's failing in its subtlelty and serves no purpose. the point of this affair that those who get it get it, and those that don't have to go after ithere are some golden standards. follow these to make good stuff (
i'll also reply to some posts pointing out common mistakes for aspiring anons