>>9544959This world is a hollow shithole. Being loved by the world is superficial, fake. People pretend to love you and secretly either have nothing for you or flat out hate you. Very rarely will you find true friendship. This world will chew you up and spit you out then shit on you.
If you work for Satan you would find temporary relief here, the world will “love” you to an extent (the fake love I mentioned before), but you will be cursed by God, and eventually when you die youll wind up in Hell, even worse off than a normie.
Now if you side with God, Jesus and the holy spirit. Jesus did say this world will hate you, but ey if it already hates you what you got to lose, fuck this place. You have eternal life to look forward too, but on top of that. God will watch over you and your life. He loves his children (us believers). If he feels you need friends hell find you friends, family, jobs. God takes care of his own.
Who cares about shallow evil people that we have to share this world with. Take the Jesus pill and find the peace your looking for.
> Come to me all you who are heavy laden and I will give you restHeavy laden means to be burdened down. If this world has beaten you down you can find rest in Jesus.
Some other verses for you to ponder on.
> Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.> Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted.Ive gone from being loved by the world and hated by world it doesn't matter in the end. What matters is love, good wife, good friends, and a good god. The rest doesn't matter