>>13671655The Gospel of Judas opening scene 1.
"Jesus dialogues with his disciples: The prayer of thanksgiving or the eucharist. One day he was with his disciples in Judea, and he found them
gathered together and seated in pious observance. When he [approached] his disciples, [34] gathered together and seated and offering a prayer of
thanksgiving over the bread, [he] laughed.
The disciples said to [him],
"Master, why are you laughing at [our] prayer of thanksgiving? We have done what is right."
He answered and said to them,
"I am not laughing at you. <You> are not doing this because of your own will but because it is through this that your god [will be]
They said, "Master, you are [. . .] the son of our god."
Jesus said to them, "How do you know me? Truly
say to you, no generation of the people that are among you will know me." "