Creating a fake chad tinder profile is the ultimate redpill
Anonymous No.5293167 View ViewReport Quoted By:
With my real photos i got only 1 matches in over 2 months and got no where from that. With the chad profile i get fucking 30 matches in a day, i talk to all the femoids with the first thing that get in my head. I can be my self in conversating with them and yet no one still said i'm akward.
I'm pretty obsessed as a person, and i can go on talking a lot with logical reasoning. Even when i didn't try to limit this aspect, those matches said "omg you are so smart, it's so cute you have such passion for things". FUCKING. KILL. ME. I seems passionate. Irl got called obnoxious, maniacal, that my speech wears people and exhaust them. Suddendly all this become "being passionate".
Why do i even live at this point?
Said sexual things as first message and still got numbers and meet ups. Yea sure personality is important, sure. Anyone still believing this should rot in hell
>inb4 tinder isn't real life
LMAO, then what is it, a strange dimension? And this wasn't chav women I was talking to with the fake profile. It was students, middle class women. Current and future lawyers, bankers, politicians