>>6564338Nobody, and I mean fucking nobody, likes you pony retards. Not your parents, not God, not even Cthulhu. I hope each and every one of you is chemically burned to the point that your skin is nothing but peeling, diseased husk and I hope that everyone you ever love emotionally destroys you. I hope that your tears turn to stone in the corners of your eyes and I hope your hearts turn black as coal and just when you think there's no love and happiness left in the world, I hope someone comes along and just rapes the shit out of you, beats you, breaks you and leaves you for dead. And as you lay there, weeping at the crushed, splintered remains of your joy, I will come along, I will unzip my jeans, I will free the sack and I will dunk it lovingly against your foreheads. Each and every one of you. I will teabag every single fucking one of you, with these nuts that can only love dead faggots.