>>19347756The last times the machine elves (archons) made the poles shift to stunt humanities technological progress and send us back to the stone age, the tradition of building pyramid-like structures go ward off the machine elves never left them and it was passed onto through the generations. As we emerged from that, we migrated across the earth to once again repopulated it and thats why pyramids seem to have been created independently by isolated cultures. It ties back into the bigger interdimensional conspiracy that is also a vampire conspiracy that we are being made repeat in this cycle so we can never break free and the machine elves as well as their earthly minions (jews) can keep harvesting our essence (loosh), this is what other schizos have mistaken as the purpose for adrenochrome when in reality its far more nefarious than mere drinking of physical blood.
Today the best thing anyone can do to ward off machine elf archons is buy a cat to astrally ward them off. They astral project every time they sleep and you can actually meet them if you astral project one day.
Don't tell anyone i told you this. Be safe out there doggo