>>21312888You've gone too far in the other direction. There's nothing rational about being skeptical of everything. If someone proposes a new thing to be skeptical about I'm sure you'd be more apt to immediately jump aboard. You're more comfortable there. It's a psychological thing I think. I never meet any educated people who have loony ideas like that. Only dummies. And meth users. There's some purpose served in believing that you're in a special club 'in the know' about something that makes you a little more keen than the rest of us 'fools'. Of course you're wrong about everything. That's plain to everyone intelligent. But you see the flipside. I'm instead the brainwashed follower who doesn't think for himself. Meanwhile you go out of your way to distrust as much of the world as possible, almost as a fun little hobby. As if it's not a huge personality flaw. It's just contrarianism. It's not backed by any logic. Just 'what if'. And 'if I don't see it it isn't there'. It's not good for you and it's not good for society to distrust its institutions. Maybe that's what it's about. But that would make ME the conspiracy theorist. It makes no difference why you're posting that you don't believe in nukes. If that's true then I pity you. I'm done trying to understand dumb people.