>>4745199That isn't the difference between love and infatuation at all. Love is the root of all human bonds. There is no difference between the love you feel with your best friend and the love you feel with your mother, for example. They only appear different because the "pure love" is filtered through your sense of self and identity.
True love is unconditional and no relationship experiences this 100% of the time. Relationships are nothing but love +attachment. It is you and another person playing a role together, a role in acting out the drama of love. Most people die without fully understanding this and the nature of love because it's so well hidden and elusive.
I've felt it's pureness only once before, when my current girlfriend and I were about to break up (3-4 months in). We were on LSD and I couldn't help but realize that the "spark" had faded in our relationship. It got so bad and depressing that I finally brought it up to her and she cried about how I didn't love her anymore. I kept trying to explain what I was feeling, wishing she could understand that it's a problem within me. Suddenly, she understood me fully and we were on the same page again. This feeling fleeted away and I realized that's what I was looking for, whatever that brief connection was. We kept talking and suddenly, my heart exploded with a spiritual warmth. It was like the honeymoon "spark" x100. It's everything I had been seeking in a woman. We were looking through each other, into the very core of our Beings, and I heard every word she spoke as the voice in my head, some telepathic connection of thoughts.
This experience basically showed me that true love is free from all attachments. At the end of the day, though it may hurt to let her go, I'll always have that true unconditional love for her. But it also taught me that we are all the same at our core. Metaphysically, I will be seeking her out in every other girl, but only because we are all the same base consciousness.