>>3422821Trump wants to spark a war with North Korea to do the exact same thing that Bush did with Iraq.
>country is sitting on resources that are worth trillions of dollars. Iraq had the oil, North Korea has rare earth elements.
>country is strategically placed near allies of the US and right next to the US's biggest enemies.Iraq is right next to Iran, and because of the war, the US army now has tons and tons of bases near the Iranian border to quickly annex Iran when the excuse comes. North Korea is sandwiched between an ally and an enemy of the US, so invading and reunifying the Koreas under one Western puppet government and building tons of military bases right next to the Chinese border is a priority to them.
Why do you think the US has been training the Philipines, Korea, and Japan? Why do you think both the US and Japanese government want the pacifist article removed from Japan's constitution? Congress HATES seeing China being on its way to being more economically endowed than America in the near future, but instead of fixing their own fuck-ups of abandoning worthwhile prosperous technologies like renewable energy and making college education free because 99.9% of the new jobs of the past decade require college degrees, they instead choose to have a military presence around China to choke as much of its trade as it can.
Petty, retarded bullshit. Our government is controlled by manchildren.