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Immaculate Vacation, Day 1:
Spaghetti Town, The Kingdom, Warhorse, and the WWA World Tag Team Titles are a long way behind us.
We're several hunded miles and three states away now. I haven't felt this free in a long time.
Warhorse proved themselves conclusively, beyond a shadow of a doubt, to be the better tag team. We were utterly beaten. Thrashed. Outclassed. Rekt. Owned. Any thought of us challenging for the WWA World Tag Team Titles in the next several months is a complete joke.
But I don't care.
I've got the love of my life riding in the seat next to me. We're going to take a road trip across this beautiful country and enjoy the greatest landmarks, attractions, natural beauty, and cultural attractions it has to offer. We're going to play like we're kids and it's the last summer vacation ever. And then, at night, we're going to get a hotel room and play like adults. Heh.
I love this woman so much.
The little box I've got feels weird in these big pockets next to my brass knuckles, pepper spray, and spike. Maybe it's a dumb idea. Maybe it's not time yet. We'll see.
Maybe it is.
Who knows? Maybe we won't be back to the WWA. I haven't brought that up yet either. Maybe we leave it all behind, Miss USA and Warhorse and the Angels and the pain and bumps and injuries. Maybe this is the start of something new, Colby and Amelia against the fucking world. Chapter 1.
I like our odds.