>>8573615I have an idea for a battery; Make massive toroid thunder cock. The reason I call it a thunder cock, is because once it's built to scale, when the boobs aren't spinning fast enough it'll probably arc like a motherfucker.. Not sure what to do about that. Anyway, hover two massive spinning fly boobs around said thunder cock with EM repulsion. Place boobs so that they make a sorta sphere around the thunder cock. No reason the boobs can't be bolted together once in place. I just figure it'd be easier to manufacture and place two boobs rather than an oblong spheroid shape. Where the nipples go, obviously are just empty space. Holes if you will. It's an electric flywheel set up. Boobs are just the general shape for structural integrity. Make sure they got magnets on widest parts of exterior. When you wanna harvest power outta the system, simply move copper coils near the flyboobs. Power from the bottom, maneuverable emergency grounding rod in from the top. tadah.