Immediately after signing her contract with the WWA, Camilla would find herself being antagonised by Annabelle Dupont, which led to Annabelle posting defamatory tweets about Camilla. Desperate to clear her name, Camilla challenged Annabelle to a match, requesting that Annabelle retract her tweet if Camilla defeats her.
Unwilling to agree to this without Camilla putting something on the line herself, Annabelle demanded that Camilla be obligated to fight someone on her behalf should Annabelle defeat her, terms which Camilla accepted.
Will Camilla prevail in her debut match with her reputation and possibly her freedom on the line? Or will Annabelle make it two wins out of two and secure Camilla's allegiance against at least one future opponent? And what impact if any will the presence of Annabelle's mysterious new friend Kiyoko Kade at ringside have on proceedings?
We're about to have the answer to all of those questions so ring that bell. It's Camilla vs Annabelle Dupont, Tweetstagram Retraction vs Vamp For Hire!