>>5408030I believe
grey ayys=demons
reptillian=fallen angels
tall whites/nordics/pleiadians=angels=inner earthers
basically during MKUltra they abuse you and torture you until you mind breaks into multiple personalities, probably with the help of drugs. these new personalities then can easily be shaped, also with the help of drugs, and triggered with the right phrases or symbols you use during the torture
however in ritual satanic abuse buttstuff is always a thing, just like with the demons/ayys, and in the anus, or in that area there is also the rootchakra coincidently
then there is also this here
https://archive.li/pIC4Mtalking about how mindcontroll stuff has something to do with pressing certain points in the anus, he says certain nerves are stimmulated there which causes a shift in conciousnes, i think it has to do with the rootchakra being corrupted
same reason why you shouldnt do sodomy according to the bible, as it probably makes you vulnerable to demonic activity
so in MKUltra they likely assfuck the subject too as part of the torture, and the new personality, or the mind as a whole weakens because of it and gets more subjectable to demons which then can put things in your mind or possibly take controll as a whole
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5398625/Demon-voices-school-gunman-attack-cops-called-39-times.htmlalso think about the stuff of the "shapeshifters"
imagine they all were MKUltrad during their abuse the elite has to undergo themselves to rise up in ranks, and at that point demons or fallen angels took over.
now the whole elite gets possesed by demons and fallen angels due to what they call rituals, which then overtook the countries. And from time to time we recieve the vibrations (can come to the vibration and frequency stuff later) these demonic minds emit subconciously and think they are shapeshifting
however yeah, its all just theoratical, and im not going to rape and torture someone to find out