>B-b-but you dumb shit Sun cant go Nova without wiping us out!Watch this short vid and shut the fuck up.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9KuXrm7VlQQNot saying this will happen but we have evidences now that it DOES happen.
But how can I say for sure it was a electric type of an event/CME and not just a simple asteroid strike? Well all the things I mentioned cannot be explained by a simple meteor or a shower. Only an electrical event would do this. Only our Sun could produce this. And our ancestors saw it and recorded it.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sH11EJRFcH0 - plasma discharge of ancient petroglyphs
So basically as the Sun gears up towards the event, creating larger CMEs that are so powerful they will take out the electric grid worldwide. These events cause our sky to resemble the sky our ancestors saw the last time we were singed by electro magnetic fire.
That happens possibly over a decade before the Main event hits. The consequences of this will affect EVERY volcano on our planet to some extent.
What hard evidence do I have to support this claim? In order to fully understand this you need to watch these two videos. Both videos are well made documentaries.
Video 1 is in depth explanation for the petroglyphs and their relation to electro magnetic events in the sky.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t7EAlTcZFwY&tVideo 2 is in depth explanation of scars left on planetary bodies by these events.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tRV1e5_tB6Y&tIf this video doesn't sell you the idea NOTHIGN will.
TLDR craters and canyons on Mars, Venus and Moon can only be explained by electric discharge of galactic proportions. Look at how perfectly round they are as if all of them were hit under 90% angle. Look at the amount of bullseye craters on Moon and Mars