>>18736655Some time later, Colby Jefferson walks in the doorway of the WWA Dojo. On a whim, she's changed into her ring gear before coming in; if she has to go a few round on the mat with Carmody to persuade her how much she has to learn, at least she's now dressed for it. Unlikely, knowing that Carmody was in the hospital last night, but Colby's still a little on-edge after what happened with Nika earlier. But not on edge in a bad way.
She didn't want to admit it, but Priscilla was right about that too. It had felt GOOD to unleash hell on Nika Nanakawa, if only for a few seconds. She'd have to thank Priscilla for that taste of vengeance. She hadn't realized how much she had wanted it.
The better Colby got to know Priscilla, the more she realized that she was right about most things. Is she right about Carmody, though.
Carmody still is not answering her calls or texts. Of course. She probably thinks it's fair somehow, because of Colby not answering her after Sapphire's death, when the situation is completely different. Fine. Colby can find her here, or find someone who can tell her where Carmody is.
A quick scan of the rooms shows that, surprisingly, Carmody doesn't have one of her own. She wouldn't be training so soon after getting badly hurt, but Colby uses due diligence and checks the gym and the locker room and the hot tubs and the showers, where a couple of confused and slightly perturbed trainees shrink from her sight. The glimpse Colby catches of their bodies sends her thoughts racing to Amy Flame, and she smiles briefly.
Well, never mind that.
Of course, Carmody isn't in the training ring either, but Colby finds herself watching a couple of the young students practicing their craft in there, her quest to find Carmody briefly forgotten. She watches the young wrestlers practicing with a knowing smirk, then shakes her head and mutters softly to herself.
>"So this is the WWA Dojo. I'm not impressed."