>>19329326As Sola starts comparing herself to Carmody and Priscilla, that sense of vulnerability about her returns. Priscilla feels Sola touching her hand as she gazes up at the roof. Priscilla leans forward and speaks
>It’s true. You’re not like me. Or Carmody. But so what? That’s a good thing. People come in so many flavors, you know? >I love that. I want to discover them all.Priscilla reaches forward, gently cupping Sola’s chin between thumb and forefinger.
>You’re beautiful. If you really want people to see that, the way they do with me and Carmody, they will. Just look at the comments on The Divine Touch’s Tweetstagram page when a teaser from your lingerie shoot gets posted tomorrow and see for yourself.As she speaks, Priscilla allows her thumb to drift back and forth, gently rubbing Sola’s lips in the process. She flashes that disarming grin
>Soft…Then just as suddenly as she had showered Sola with attention, she pulls away and switches her focus to Carmody, wrapping an arm around the shoulder of The One to Watch
>And you, my stunning star. Tomorrow night the first teaser from your shoot will be released too. I can’t wait for the world to get a taste of what could be a very beautiful future for all of us