>>2511996Men are not natural competitors, but naturally indifferent to one another. This is the reason that men can easily form friendships, whereas it's well-known, and has been throughout history, that it's impossible to have a woman as a friend. Women are always in natural competition with each other, and when it comes to a man they always want something from him: namely, they either want to be dominated by him and to have him be their fucker, or else to dominate him and have him be their choreboy/beta orbiter/use whatever term you want. There is really no third option for women. Now, if you can have pleasant, conflict-free friendships with women, I will guess that this is because they're not attracted to you. I've never been able to be friends with a woman without having her chase me sexually, and this of course is incompatible with friendship. Once you refuse, you become a mortal enemy to her, the blow to a woman's ego is very severe; if you don't refuse, you become de facto her dominator and fucker, which is totally incompatible with friendship or with anything that rises above the level of a dog in the street. In general it's only betas that are able to be "friends" with women--although the women themselves certainly don't think of it that way.