>>2897615>>2897227>>2897234Did you just post here on the first day and fuck off for several months before coming back, le "I'm an oldfag because I saw 4chan back in 2005 but left and came back in 2016 since it's popular but I'm still an oldfag!" There's a difference between being there on the first day and actually sticking around to witness major events so you have a context of /bant/'s culture and why we're not just a /pol/ copy.
Do you know about Manx? Peanuts and Cola? Pixel Canvas? How >Be American became a thing? Do you even know why Cirno became a meme in the first place?
It's pretty autistic to claim you're an oldfag and then know less about /bant/ then someone that's been here for a few months consistently while calling out someone that knows their shit for being a newfag.