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>Realize that the idealized family values are, if not fake, at least not the base of their behavior or that the sister is going throw a bad moment psychologically speaking.
>Realize that what you want and what you need is different.
>Realize that anons/femanons are better than things.
>Realize your faith in humanity has restored
>Realize WWJD, and read LUKE 15:1-7
>Realize the guy had 10k followers and ~200 likes on his photos
>Realize that the guy might be a cheater and indeed you helped he cheat
>Realize that indeed, as aforementioned in LUKE 15:1-7, sister and guy were invited to eat and she ate with a "sinner" aka cheater
>Realize that sister returned home happy and feeling blessed
>Realize that sister had what she needed and not what she wanted
>Realize that is past midnight and you don't got the happy birthday wish from whom you wanted
>Realize that you based your actions on the Old Testament
>Realize that you aren't a christian
>Send "I forgive you" to your crush and wish he a "Good night, princess"
>Becomes Christian.