>>3503204For the first half of October, things seemed positive in spite of KAGARIFAG's continued presence: Chicanon had gotten himself banned, spontaneous threads with creative topics were common and well supported by a network of dilligant anons who kept them from falling off the board, and ALL WAS WELL as /bant/ celebrated the Birthday of 4chan with the rest of the site. Kagarifag, in their quest to upsurp KoG and reclaim their lost HONOUR had angered the moderation and was banned several times in swift and righteous retrebution, first losing their 4chan pass and many more until they stopped Kagriposting, claiming to have contacted PTSD from the ordeal. There was MUCH REJOICING.
Like all postive things however, this would eventually come to an end near the second half of October. Chicanon, unbanned, began complaining about /bant/'s homogenous composition, largely composed of anime, including once dead anime memes like DESUposting (Rozen Maiden was likewise being streamed by the anime stream at the time), which would lead to CABBAGE posting and a revival of LAIN posting. More anons, theorized to have been imported from /int/ followed, and this would coincide with a DEADLY MEASURE on an unrelated board: the banning of SLOWJAK posting on /lit/ after it was agreed that they were nothing but shitposting whiners in spite of the fact that SLOWJAK originated on that board. The Slowjaks, looking for something new to whine about, invaded /bant/ in full force led by a FUCKING LEAF who hated Cirno and Anime and began flooding the board with SHITPOSTs. This would be known as /bant/'s SECOND MAJOR CONFLICT.
Ironically, among those who suffered the most from this was not the Cirnoposters, who managed to better rally /bant/ behind their banner this time, but the Apuposters who had their threads systematically pushed off the board by the SHITPOSTING menace. They would never recover from this, and even now there exist WHOLE DAYS without a single Apu thread.