Ammon Hillman is correct!
Emperor Hadrian created a cult to worship his underage gay lover as the son of god (Osiris-Antinous) called the cult of Antinous. Hadrian began raping this boy when he was only 11 years old and he was only one of a number of boys in his harem!
See:'s where it gets interesting, Aquila of Sinope aka Onkelos was a kinsman of the Roman emperor Hadrian. The midrash Tanhuma claims that Onkelos was a nephew of Hadrian, other jewish sources list him as a nephew of emperor Titus. Emperor Hadrian also employed Aquilla of Sinope to rebuild Jerusalem as Aelia Capitolina. Aquila of Sinope aka Onkelos was a student of rabbi Akiva who was a student of Gamaliel (Paul's teacher). Rabbi Akiva's other students were Markianos of Alexandria aka Marcion of Sinope and rabbi Shimon bar Yochai who was the author of The Secrets of Rabbi Simon ben Yohai which laid the groundwork for Islam (weaponizing Ishmael [Arabs] to fight Edom [Rome]).
The Secret Gospel of Mark which speaks about Jesus's homosexuality and pedophilia and the Cult of Antinous came out about the same time. Both Mark 14:51-52 and The Secret Gospel of Mark speak about Jesus engaging in sexual acts with minors.
Religious synchronism was the strategy that the jews at the Alexandrian School used, so they combined the Cult of Antinous with the Roman imperial cult (Divine Julius Cult) and this became christjewery.